Rachel and I have been friends for almost 20 years (I can't believe I am old enough to say I have been anything for 20 years!), in spite of living in two different states for most of that time. We always have a great time whenever we do manage to get together: going to the Renaissance Fair, going to Europe with my dad, playing horses (okay, not recently) and just trying to catch up on years of absence in a few days!
Rachel and I sitting on the steps of a cathedral in Venice
Every year we try to squeeze in at least one visit, although we would prefer more, and this year, thanks to my unwillingness to spend 8 hours in the ca with 4 little kids, she is coming here!
Rachel looking very lovely - and pensive - as my maid of honor in our wedding (6 years ago!)
Rachel and I doing our part to keep the leaning tower of Pisa from finally collapsing...
I know our visit will be filled with lots and lots of talking, coffee, and late night catching up (thus the coffee)! Now I just have to get ready for her visit...which involves transforming my guestroom from "random storage" into "lovely and actually useful" and lots of cleaning and cooking.
I can hardly wait! I will try to take pictures documenting our visit (something I am terrible at, as evidenced by my limited stash of pictures of the two of us!) and post them so you all can see what a delightful time we had.
Here is a REALLY old picture of us being silly
Yay! That will be so fun! Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE the name Rachel? Can I name one of my children Rachel (probably a girl) or are you saving it for your next daughter?