Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

And then life happened...

I am very excited because TOMORROW my best friend is flying in for an all-too-short-but-long-overdue-visit (most of our visits are that way, but we take what we can get!) As she has never seen my house, I have been full of ambitious plans to whip it into beautiful shape...make it all clean and sparkling...finish all the projects that needed short, totally impress her with my amazing home.

And then life happened.

For starters, all of my babysitters are, of course, out of town this week. And if you have ever met my kids...or know anything about them at know that they possess a peculiar talent for destroying things faster than I can clean them. So, the past few days the score has been kids: 42, Mama: 3.

Also, baby Elora, who just turned 3 months and is quite a darling, is also teething. This makes her want Mama within chewing distance at all times. Yes, her favorite teething toy would

And finally, to top it all off, last evening I bent over to lift a giant pile of laundry that needed to be washed, and I pulled something in my back. Again. (This has been going on at random intervals since Elora was born...I tried doing yoga to stretch out my muscles and pulled my back doing yoga...yes I just am that talented!) Screaming spasms of pain all down my spine...inability to do anything but sit in a chair and take ibuprofen...all these things have greatly hampered my ability to clean house and get things ready! It was a little better today...for the first part of the day...but this evening I am back in the chair.

Maybe God is trying to teach me the truth of "pride goeth before a fall" (or a back spasm?!). Or maybe He is just trying to give my husband an opportunity to serve me - which he has been so very sweet about doing, taking over lots of my chores and working very hard to get all these projects done. I greatly appreciate him! (Or maybe he is trying to show Robert how I need to hire my own personal masseuse...yes, that must be it!;-) As much as I keep talking about how I would love to sit down and do nothing, the reality just has me frustrated because I keep running over all the chores I SHOULD be doing in my head! But I am trying not to fret but to just focus on my wonderful upcoming visit. Besides, Rachel knows me WAY too well to be fooled by a clean house anyway! ;-)


  1. Aw she will love your house no matter what!

  2. Your house was great and welcoming! It looked wonderful when I came, though I must say the blue crayon when I left added an interesting touch :)
