Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adam and Eve and Joseph

Sometimes the child you feel is your most "difficult" or are having the most friction with also provides the best opportunities for becoming closer. At various times each one is my "most difficult," but lately we have been struggling with certain issues with Joseph: disobedience and then lying about it to cover it up. We have really tried to crack down on the lying because that's a very serious wrongdoing that we don't want to become a habit!

But God has also used this issue in Joseph life to provide some really good opportunities for discussion of spiritual things. Today we were reading through Joseph's Bible (which took an initial struggle to even get started!), and he kept connecting all the stories back to the story of Adam and Eve eating the fruit and getting expelled from the garden, which is his favorite (we've read it so many times he has the exact words memorized!). He realized that just like other characters were trying to hide from God or run away from Him - Balaam, Jonah - that Adam and Eve tried to hide from God but He still found them. And then we talked about how when Joseph gets into things he's not supposed to, and then tries to hide from Mom and Dad, we always find him too. And then we discussed how he tries to lie about it and put the blame on his brother or sister, just like Adam and Eve tried to shift the blame onto each other and the serpent, but that didn't work with God.

It was really amazing to see the "lightbulb" going off in his head while we talked about this, and I think it made an impact on him to realize that his behavior is just like Adam and Eve's in the Bible. It has been his favorite story ever since we first started reading Bible stories to him and he was old enough to show a preference, and I've often wondered what he finds so fascinating about it. But somehow God knew that story would resonate the most in his life.

I am just praying that the lessons he learns from this story stick with him and remind him how to act the next time temptation arises. Excited by the possibility of change, while trying to remember that he's still young and its a process. (Goodness knows I still do plenty of things the Bible clearly teaches me not to!) But so thankful for the signs that God is working in his heart!

"I have no greater joy than to know my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4


  1. Aw he is such a little sweetie, I'm glad he's learning his lessons the right way. And you are a good Mom!

  2. Your verse is perfect and one I never apprecaited as much as I did when those lightbulb moments happened. What a blessing that God is working in his life, and even better, that God is showing you that He is already putting things on J's heart to draw J to Him. We spent an evening with friends last night, and I must confess as the conversation turned toward political unrest and sin in the world, I found myself discouraged and down. Reading this post this morning as I enjoy a quiet moment and sip coffee, I'm reminded that God is at work in so many lives - especially in the next generation and the next generation and so on. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with those of us who need to be encouraged.
