Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Monday, July 16, 2012

"You know"

You know you've been a mother a long time when...

...your entire family shares a toothbrush and you're too tired to care. (You were going to catch - whatever they've got this time - eventually anyway.)


  1. OK. I haven't been a mother long enough, I guess. I can handle the backwash in my glass of water, the mushy cookies offered from sweet, chubby, little hands, but sharing a toothbrush......I would be gagging over that. Don't ask me why. I can't even stand to share a toothbrush with John!! I know it's silly when you consider we're married, but I just draw the line on my toothbrush. The enemy can't get anything from me with the water torture, sleep deprivation, starvation.....but ask me to share a toothbrush with ANYONE, and I'll spill my guts to them.

    1. Haha when Robert and I got married, Sophie saw us sharing a hairbrush one day, and she freaked out...she was like "Ewww, gross, you guys share a HAIRBRUSH?!" I didn't have the heart to tell her you share lots of grosser things than that in a marriage. I hope she doesn't read this post...she will die of the grossness.

      It's no so much a matter of choice as it is a matter of "the kids lose every single toothbrush we buy..." so it's pretty much a choice between sharing a toothbrush or not brushing your teeth at all!

  2. You are still a better woman than I am because I'd rather go for days without brushing than to share a hairbrush.....I WILL share anything else (test me), but that is the one thing I just can't do. I think Soph would agree with me!! haha

  3. Sharing a toothbrush is WAY more gross than asking someone to look at your dead toe-nail. Just saying.
