Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday's Top 10: Big Families

In today's world of 2.3 children (that poor .3rd child just HAS to feel inadequate compared to his whole-number siblings), large families are not viewed favorably by most people. In fact, despite the fact that it is considered politically correct to claim each person "choice" is their own business, many seem to have no problem with telling parents of large families just how wrong their choices are. With only four children so far, which I don't consider to be a terribly big family, Robert and I have certainly come up against MANY people who think it's their right, nay their responsibility to make comments about the fact that we have four kids five and under. This attitude, which I expect from the world, has sadly come from fellow believers in many instances. I've gotten tired of trying to explain that we don't "plan" our children but have chosen to trust God to send them to us in His perfect timing. Generally the person either thinks I'm trying to be "holier-than-thou" or they give me a blank stare. So I've come up with a list of 10 ridiculous answers to give them instead:

Top 10 Responses to "Why do you have SO many children?"

1. We're trying to beat the Duggars. 4 down, 16 to go!

2. We just want to make sure we're REALLY well taken care of in our old age.

3. It's an addiction. Like cocaine, only more expensive. We're addicted to babies.

4. We're doing our best to contribute to global warming. Did you FEEL how cold it was last winter? Brr.

5.  We have all these baby clothes that are just going to go to waste otherwise.

6. We keep trying for a redhead.

7. We're working on a starting lineup for the NBA. And the WNBA.

8. Once we're done having babies, I have to lose all the ice-cream weight I packed on during pregnancy.

9. 15 passenger vans are TOTALLY stylin'!

10. We'd hate for our midwife to go out of business...


  1. already have a redhead. Trying for a blond?

    1. Well, he was redheaded when he was born, but his hair has basically lightened to blond, so I still say #6 works.

  2. I am totally with you on #3!! I think that will get lots of mileage because we don't really mind addictions in this country. In fact, in many cases, we enable them. Some places happily give you needles so that you can enjoy your addiction "safely", so maybe you could ask for car seats, playpens, clothing, etc, so that you can enjoy your addiction "safely" as well!!
