Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Coffee Traitor

I have always been a strictly black coffee girl; black and strong, nothing in it, thank you very much. (Robert always says he likes his coffee like he likes his women: blond and sweet, and I respond that I like my coffee like I like my men: dark and strong! What will happen when we both go gray, I can't guess. ;-) But this morning I was making coffee for Robert as usual, and we were out of both regular sugar and milk (the last of the milk went bad since no one is drinking milk anymore...) but I had a carton of whipping cream that I had bought for a recipe I never ended up making, so I put some cream in his coffee along with some brown sugar. I tasted the coffee just to make sure it was sweet enough for him (generally what is ghastly sweet in my book) and WOW! It tasted so good. I actually made myself a cup, thus betraying my lifelong devotion to pure and unsullied black coffee. I should feel ashamed. But somehow I don't, because it was soooo good.

I am going to have to get cream out of the house. I don't need the calories! (one advantage to black coffee...)

And for those of you who read my last post and are thinking "cream is NOT on the list of casein-free products" you are right. But Robert and I decided first off that coffee is one of the exceptions, since A) the kids aren't allowed to have it anyway and B) nobody wants to see us try to be parents without caffeine! My usual cup of coffee will have to do for everyday...and banish cream and brown sugar to those special occasions!!

On the other hand...perhaps I should sell this idea to Starbucks and make lots of I can hire a personal trainer...

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