Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Madness

It is snowing a TON at our house today! It's lovely...but I'm also afraid that all my family will be snowed in up there in the mountains and I won't get to see them this week...Daniella and Phillip are here and Lyd and Sophie are off school, and Tiana's in town, so we have all kinds of fun girly things we need to do!

In other news...

Joseph informed me today that he wanted to have 7 brothers and 5 sisters. He does realize that adds up to 13 right? THIRTEEN! Oh dear. It's easy for him to think that sounds fun. By the time there are 13 of them, he will be grown up and get to go away to college. Just about the time they become more helpful than messy, they leave the house. Sigh. God's sense of humor seems kind of mean sometimes.

I'm sure by the time I have 13, twelve of them will seem like a piece of cake, right?

Mmmm. Cake. Think I need some cake...

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