Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One of the women I most admire...

I have a very dear mother in law whom I love very much and don't get to see enough of. (Yes, I realize that I ended that sentence with a preposition but that's not the point.) Although she lives here in town - well, actually in Tijeras - she has been suffering from a mysterious illness for several years now. The doctors can't seem to agree on what is wrong with her, and she has been on countless regiments of steroids, drugs, homeopathics, vitamins, etc, none of which seems to have helped long-term. She's not bedridden, but she is in pretty much constant pain and unable to do much.

And one of the sad side-effects is that we don't get to see her very often. She just doesn't feel up to going out or having lots of visitors, and let's face it, four little ones can be overwhelming even for a perfectly healthy person! Sometimes on one of her "good days" Robert will take one of the kids (usually the best behaved ;-) out to their house and visit for a few hours, and I'm glad he's able to do that. But since the kids need me, I usually don't get to see her, and that makes me sad. She has been  nothing but sweet and gracious to me since the day Robert and I started courting, and she was introducing me as "her daughter" even before we got married. Sometimes I send her a card and some pictures of the kids, or something I baked, but I wish I could do more. All I really can do is pray for her.

The thing that amazes me most is her attitude. When I am hurt or in pain, it usually makes me quite grumpy and feeling sorry for myself, but not Barbara. She told me yesterday that "her body may be broken but her mind and spirit were safe." She added how thankful she was that God hadn't let her feel sorry for herself or experience any bitterness. While I know she is frustrated over the doctors' inability to diagnose and/or treat her, she demonstrates so much gratefulness for what she has and for other people's help that she receives. She went on to say that even if God chooses not to heal her current body, she knows she is getting a new one someday. I must say I broke down crying at that point! I am so thankful for her godly example of patience and trust...she has had more trials in her life than anyone else I know, and they have served to bring her closer to God. I only pray that I can face my own trials with as much faith as she has hers.

Barbara really doesn't like to have her picture taken, but here is a lovely one of her and Robert dancing at our wedding

1 comment:

  1. I love reading this about your mother-in-law. So many times there is not peace and unity among in-laws, and I pray that I'll be able to be loved by my daughters and sons-in-law the way you love yours. Someday you'll have to give me pointers on what she did to make it welcoming for you.
