Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Joseph, Gabriella, Julianna, James, and Elora

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I am not one of those people who stays "on top" of laundry. I sort of have the attitude of "wash and wear." As in, I wash our clothes when we have nothing else to wear. Which means the things we wear most often get washed, and the stuff we hardly ever wear (like winter clothes in summer, or vice versa) kind of get piled up and back-burnered. I am pretty good about keeping some things clean, like the kitchen and the front rooms, where we spend most of our time. But our laundry room is always kind of a disaster. And I figure, hey, who's going to see it, right? It's kind of like the inside of my refridgerator. Nobody's going to see it. So it's fallen fairly far behind, ith all our winter stuff piled up and me only washing the top of our laundry baskets. And in my defense, small children get a LOT of stuff dirty!!


Yesterday our washing machine broke. Not such good timing, since we are leaving on our trip tomorrow! Ack! Fortunately I have an amazing husband who can fix just about anything, and he bought the part and fixed my machine, and now it works again! But in order to fix it we had to clean out the laundry room completely. Which meant all the dirty laundry got piled up in our room, and that's just been annoying my goal for today has been to get ALL the laundry in our house done before our trip! (well, obviously not ALL the laundry, because we are wearing clothes right now, and unless we spent the rest of the day naked....but you know what I mean)Ambitious, you say? Well, yes. But I am getting close! The giant green hamper is EMPTY! I have one more load of regular clothes to finish, and then a huge pile of sheets and blankets that are dirty. But those are pretty easy. I am excited about the possiblity of having an entirely empty laundry room!

It's not so much the washing that I hate. It's really the folding and putting away part. That always takes forever. But I will try to conquer even that before I leave! Wish me luck!

(And I just realized that when we get back we will have suitcases full of dirty laundry and this will start all over again. Grrr. Now I know why I hate laundry so is never done!)