Ok, so I should have called this "how I'm doing on my goals" but the other title was catchier...
So day 2 of trying to live up to some of my own goals. And here's how that going...
Yesterday I took the boys the park. It was pretty cold, but bearable, and we were all having so much fun, and getting fresh air, and the kids were playing...then James decided to climb on the big playground (there are 2, one for little kids and one for older kids) and he almost fell off, so I grabbed him and took him over the the little playground where he would be safe. Only problem is, the moment he got there he tripped on the steps and fell and bit his lip really badly. So here I am with James bleeding and crying, and me not even able to examine how bad the damage was because the baby is in the frontpack and Joseph is running around...so I carried James home in one arm, holding Joseph's hand with the other and carrying the baby on my front (and OW how my back hurt). We got inside and I examined him; his tooth had pierced all the way through his lip, but the bleeding slowed quickly, he stopped crying after a while, and we decided he didn't need stitches. So one disaster averted...but I felt very disheartened after trying to take them outside!
We survived outside, a little the worse for wear, so I decided to exercise. My mom gave me a 10-minute pilates tape, and my back was hurting really badly (from carrying all that weight) so I decided to do the stretching exercise. That went so well that I was inspired, and decided to do the abs one as well. Well, that was great...except I woke up this morning and EVERY muscle in body was killing me!! I stood in the shower for 45 minutes before I could even move. I guess that's what a month of illness/inactivity coupled with overdoing it will do to you...blech. I really need to do it again today, so my muscles will loosen up...but...but...I don't wanna..
I did NOT eat any dessert last night. So put that in the "success" category...at least for one day!
As for today...well, let's see. I was almost done with Perelandra, CS Lewis's 2nd book in the Space Trilogy, so I just had to finish it. I know - that was a mistake. But I just can't put him down. So around 11, we finally managed to start Bible. At the end, there was a word I wanted to look up in Robert Greek/English Bible, so I came into the office to get it. And then he showed me this program on how to map your family tree and geneology - it's totally cool. It's called Geni. I got sucked in - it's way more addictive than any video game I've ever seen! - and now it's almost 1. I've ignored the kids for the last 2 hours...I'm afraid to think what they've done to the house. (I know for a fact that they have sprinkled an entire box of Raisin Bran over the living room...beyond that I'm afraid to look.) And now, instead of cleaning it up, I am hiding in the office posting my blog. Sigh. Today has pretty much been a failure on all fronts. I guess all I can do is work on my last goal: "Be thankful for what I have and complain less."
Or however I phrased it. Ok, off to remind myself that children are most important than carpets...